Hi all.
We are trying to enable the integration with OKTA (firstly for SSO, secondly for SCIM provisioning).
The problem we are facing is due to the fact that we have enabled a TEST workspace (separate workspace ID, separate url -> separate app in OKTA).
The issue is the following:
* If we enable SSO in OKTA only for the primary (production) workspace - the users will be authenticated when going to this workspace. But once they switch to the [test] one - they are being redirected to a login page where the are requested to login with their local user/pass (as OKTA cannot authenticate them).
1. If we create a second app in OKTA for the TEST workspace - the authentication will most probably work, but we will be facing other problems on OKTA side (having to administer 2 apps, 2 set of user groups and respectively - having to add/remove people from both apps).
While at the same time the user base on Intercom is one for the both workspaces (the primary and the TEST one) and the users cannot be managed through the [test] workspace.
2. If we want to use OKTA also to provision the users (SCIM provisioning) - how should this work if there will be 2 applications in OKTA (production, test) but only one user base on the Intercom platfrom? Wouldn't this cause any conflicts?
What is the recommended approach when dealing with SSO and User provisioning while having a [test] workspace?