We'd like to trigger a custom "rating feedback" in our mobile app. We have some specific need for the flow and the component, so we need to develop it custom.
However when it comes to setup a campaign and automation, using our users data, Intercom is the best !
So we were wondering if there were anyway we could setup a Campaign (e.g Posts ? Banners ? Tours), but instead of displaying the Intercom interface or elements, instead catch an event to be able to display our own flow ?
It could ressemble something like:
React.useEffect(() => {
const customPostsListener = Intercom.addEventListener(
(response) => {
return () => {
}, []);
(well we'd also probably need some way of knowing if the users received the post while the app is offline, like a `Intercom.getPendingCustomPosts()`)
This would be awesome since we could leverage the Intercom Dashboard to control some custom flow our app 🤩
Is there any way to achieve something similar today ? Is it something you'd consider implementing sometime ?
Thanks in advance for the informations !