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Hey Super Users!

Hey Super Users!


Our Customer Education team is busy working on our 2023 roadmap for Academy!

We’re also hoping to experiment with some short snackable tips and tricks videos for all of y’all. 


So - we’d love to know what you’d like to see more of/less of?

What skills or impact would you love to unlock for your role or team with Intercom?


Also, seeing as you're super users, what high-impact Intercom tips do you know which you don't think we get out there well enough?


Drop your wishlist in this thread, there’s no such thing as a bad idea!



The Customer Education Team


9 replies

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Hey! It would be great to learn, not only about the best way to use the Intercom but also about communication psychology, handling tough conversations, constructing a perfect reply, analytical reading, etc. 


Looking forward to seeing the tips and tricks videos! 🤩

  • Innovator ✨
  • 31 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Two things come to mind for us: 1) How are you storing/organizing/managing content for you teammates that answer chats? We have macros, but no real way to segment them to help our team members find the right ones quickly.


2) How do you manage your Resolution Bot Answers? Reporting, searching, updating, testing....these are all so hard to do! How do you find answers for a topic when there is no search option? Our answers are highly segmented by user data, so this is a real challenge. We have done a lot of work to add in data to help us report (Setting a conversation Data field for Answer ID, and adding conversation tags) but it is SO hard to understand which specific answers are not performing well, and why. Also trying to manage suggested answers.....

  • 0 replies
  • December 6, 2022

Thanks Deimante - super interesting! We have some content on Academy and our blog about saying 'no' to customers, and some communication frameworks our own support team use here (you can log in to Academy with your Intercom account):


Level Up: PREACH - a guideline for your tone>


Level Up: Saying no to customers>


Blog: Saying no to customers>


Thanks again for the feedback - we'll be revamping the course these are part of in the next few weeks, so very timely!

  • 0 replies
  • December 6, 2022

Hi @sharleen​ ! Thanks for your reply :D


Question 1: Tags tags and more tags! So we tag our articles, messages and Series by team (who owns the asset), the solution, the lifecycle motion, the product, name etc. So a message that's part of a Support-based onboarding campaign could look like this combo of tags:


[ced] [Support] [Onboarding] [Articles] ["Creating your first article"]


Sadly, you can't tag macros (yet), but we do have a full list of all the content we use in a centralised Coda hub, which uses a similar tagging system and features Macros, Academy content, Guru cards, Sales decks etc. This helps us keep on top of product updates, and while it's not a perfect system, it keeps some level of shape on things.


Question 2: Unfortunately there's no search on Resolution Bot answers, and it's not on the roadmap at the moment. We do use a tagging system to keep manners on the amount of answers we have, which helps filter things down, when searching for something or looking for underperforming answers.


I hope that helps a little!



  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • January 19, 2023

More on creating a string of messages, for example for onboarding. We tried working with the series feature but it doesn't really do what we want it to do. Anything about this topic would be really valuable for us.

  • 0 replies
  • January 20, 2023

Really helpful feedback, Jana. What did you want to do that Series wasn't suitable for?

(we'll be making more Series Academy content soon so this is super timely). We use Series for our own onboarding campaigns, so would love to know where the gap is in functionality for you.

  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • January 20, 2023

Thanks @Phil Byrne​! I am not sure if it is really a gap in functionality, or if we never really understood how to use Series effectively. We have tried several different iterations on several different products, but our drop-out rate is super high (around 50% of all users disengage/don't complete a Series, even when it is not very long). Finish rates vary from 2-40%, depending on product. We want to lower the disengage rates drastically but we are not sure how. I am now experimenting with checklists to replace an onboarding Series on one of our core products, just to see if that gets us better results. However, we'd still be interested in learning how to do this better, preferably with real examples. The Help Center examples didn't really work for us, I'd love to see one of your own successful Series as a real life example to draw inspiration from.

  • 0 replies
  • January 20, 2023

Hi Jana,


Interesting! To be honest, a 50% completion rate could be pretty good, but so much depends on how you're targeting the Series (eg. if you have a broad product, with multiple use cases, you might need to create a couple of different versions of a Series to give folks what they need), who is engaging with it, and why they're there in the first place.


Also, remember, you don't want people to complete a Series, you want them to do a thing, like create a campaign in Mintel, or upload their customer list, or do X. The Series (or any message/intervention) should always be in service of the behavior you're trying to influence (eg. your activation criteria), which in turn should always align with your customer's goals. Getting clear on outcomes is the most important thing, and creating goals (which you can set as Series goals) is a great way to make sure your Series is supporting this. For some customers, all it takes is 1 or 2 messages from a 10 message Series to set a customer on the right path... while some others need a little more direction.


Let me know if you'd like to chat more, I love talking about this stuff :)

  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • February 2, 2023

Hi @Phil Byrne​, sorry about the late reply. Thanks for offering to chat more! As I said before, we are trying to use Series to onboard users to our core products. The series consists of small tours and some posts showing them how to get to the value points - find the data they need for their work, stay up-to-date with email alerts, etc. We know not everybody needs to complete all of the tours, but we would really want everyone to see all of the messages within the Series, so they have at least been shown all the important features that will help them get value out of the product. I think for us the best path forward is to utilise the checklist feature for onboarding, it seems like this would work better. I am in the process of revisiting the tours that are part of the Series and updating them to use in the checklist instead. Still, a proper real life example of a successful Series would be great to have in case we want to use Series in the future.

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