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How do I search for users using their domain name OR any portion of their email address?


How do I search for conversations reported by users with domain name ? We don't have companies configured in intercom and we have over 600,000 users. Intercom support is telling me that the only way to do this is to create companies and link all 600,000 users to the companies! That sounds very backwards and kinda defeats the point of having a ticketing system. Any basic ticketing system should have some filter/report to search for simple things like "Show me conversations where user's email contains" and I find it astounding that Intercom does not have this basic functionality.


Am I missing something here?

Best answer by Zak

So what you could do is this:


Head to your contacts section and filter by all contacts where email contains ''.imageThen click on the Add Tag button.


Add a tag for tracking them, say ABC-123. This will apply this tag to all these contacts.


Then head to your custom reports and create a new conversations report, and filter by user tag: ABC-123.



Bit backwards, but it should work! And @Azure Radio 277​ pls make 'email' a reportable user attribute in custom reports 😄 🙏 .


Hope that helps!



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  • Active User
  • August 30, 2022

So what you could do is this:


Head to your contacts section and filter by all contacts where email contains ''.imageThen click on the Add Tag button.


Add a tag for tracking them, say ABC-123. This will apply this tag to all these contacts.


Then head to your custom reports and create a new conversations report, and filter by user tag: ABC-123.



Bit backwards, but it should work! And @Azure Radio 277​ pls make 'email' a reportable user attribute in custom reports 😄 🙏 .


Hope that helps!



  • Active User
  • August 30, 2022

@zak p​  - thank you but that only brings up the user list. I'm looking to find conversations. In other words, if I need to find all conversations opened by someone with email address, how would I do it?

  • Active User
  • August 30, 2022

I got your messages sepatately. I see what you are recommending now. Get the user list, tag them and then use the tag within a report. that smart! thanks. That said, I tried it and unfortunately, when I use the tag in the custom report to show conversations created, it says "no data". I can clearly see a user with that email whom Ive tagged correctly with a conversation. not sure why the reporting does not show it.

  • Active User
  • August 31, 2022

Ah sometimes the data takes a moment to populate when a big adjustment is done for reports. I'm hoping it started showing up soon after?


Just bear in mind as well that tagging users is separate to tagging conversations, even though all tags are the same. So in this case you'd want to filter by users with the tag in reports, rather than conversations with the tag.

  • Active User
  • September 1, 2022

Thanks, Zak, that's what I was hoping too, but it's still not showing 😞 I've opened a ticket with Intercom support, and they are investigating. To your point about the user tag vs conversation tag, yes, that's true - it's quite confusing to see all tags listed regardless of what kind of tag you are searching for. I wish Intercom would clean up the tag filters so that if I choose to search on user tags, the list should only show me user tags. It's a bad design and quite confusing for users when they see a tag that's not supposed to be there! I panicked as well when I saw my tag listed under the conversation tag cos I was like "crap, did I just apply the tag on all conversations instead of the users!"


oh well, I can only wish.. 🙂


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