I am deep diving into the last updates related to Intercom tickets.
Indeed, I onboarded the call center team when the ‘Share ticket with customer’ option was present in its first version (see inage below). That way of opening a ticket and sharing it with customer was effective since the call center operator had only to fill the ticket type form, flag the sharing option and create it. Now, after creating a tk., the call center operator has to share it manually and create a linked conversation. Even if it sounds good to keep the tickets workflow and conversation workflow separated, the call center operator has to do three suqbsequent activities for one support request:
- opening the tk
- share it with the customer
- open a linked conversation which is expected to say something.
As from our teams structure, the call center operator is only expected to open one request for part of the customer and then the rest of the conversation is in charge of another team.
Therfore, how can I take advantage of standalone tickets without complicating the activity of call center? Is it possible to create a linked conversation automatically when a given ticket type is created? How can I assign the linked conversation automatically to a given team? Is it possible to send a bot message as the first one of the linked conversation?