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Generating social proof - Conversation ratings and NPS score as audience filters

Kevin Bendixen
Top Expert ✨

If you really think about it, it makes total sense:
You want the audience of any message to as specific as you can in order to provide the best fit between audience and message. You are probably already filtering your messages by language and other attributes from your product.

In today's landscape, you need to convince future customers that you can deliver what you promise. One way that works for many companies is to use social proof from existing customers (on review sites or Google ratings). But how do you make sure the right customers leave a review?

One good indicator is their NPS score or the latest conversation rating. We have had tremendous success in generating 5-star reviews with a very simple Series: We ask customers that rated their last conversation positively and that are considered promoters based on their NPS to leave a review on a site of our choosing (we usually switch between the different review sites on a quarterly basis).

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