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Hey Guys, I have been using Intercom or 2 months and have had great results from it.

  • October 18, 2020
  • 1 reply

Hey Guys, I have been using Intercom or 2 months and have had great results from it.


I am the CEO of a start-up called Greywing where we track commercial vessels and help them Change their Crews (almost impossible in a time of COVID).


We have some good clients but I think we are a few degrees short of product market fit, so I want to use Intercom to increase my engagement with Users, make sure they know the cool things we do, trigger any information at the right time to teach them how to get the most out of the platform and finally to automate all of the above.


Open to suggestions and hoping to post and read a lot more here over the coming weeks! 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌

1 reply

Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • October 19, 2020

Hey @nick c11​, welcome to Interconnected!


I'm Eric, the Community Manager for Intercom 😄


Delighted to have you join the community! We've got a ton of experience among our Connectors in terms of user engagement and targeted messaging, so I'd encourage you to dive in and ask plenty of questions!


So happy to have you as an Intercom customer and a Connector, shout if I can do anything to help!


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