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401 error "token_not_found" but the access token is provided


I am using Intercom API in a GCP cloud run to do several things, especially updating a user.

Sometimes it works, but sometimes I get an 401 error: “token_not_found”, and I checked multiple times with logs: I am always sending the access token and it’s the right one. “intercom_user_id” is also the right one.

I also checked multiple times my server and logic, and there’s no error.

Here are some request ids where this error happened: 0003sad4ua316ingi1l0, 000an1qat9nc63bsg160, 0021017ivsn8tt93ipd0.

Here is the call in python:

url = f"{intercom_user_id}"
headers = {
     "Authorization": f"Bearer {settings.INTERCOM_ACCESS_TOKEN}",
     "Intercom-Version": "2.12",
     "Content-Type": "application/json",

update_dict = intercom_profile.model_dump()

    response = await httpx_client.put(url=url, headers=headers, json=update_dict)
     if response.status_code != 200:"INTERCOM_ACCESS_TOKEN: {settings.INTERCOM_ACCESS_TOKEN}")
         return False
    return True
except Exception:
    log.exception("failed updating user")
    return False

And an example of what “update_dict” looks like:

{'role': 'user',
 'name': 'username',
 'signed_up_at': 1682037791,
 'last_seen_at': 1738934990,
    {'Display name': 'display name',
    'Description': ' ',
    'First name': 'first_name',
    'Last name': 'last_name',
    'Follower count': 37767,

Thank you,


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