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Hi I'm new here. I have set up Intercom native integration with WhatsApp and can't find a way to send outbound WhatsApp messages to my existing contacts. Is this a feature available? Or do we need to work with Octopods?

Hey @user2312​, our native WhatsApp integration is for managing inbound WhatsApp conversations in your Intercom Inbox. It doesn't yet have the functionality for you to send outbound WhatsApp messages that aren't replies to conversations. I'm happy to note your feature request via our @Product Wishlist​ group!

Hi @Eric Fitz ,

Is there any update on this ticket. Is there any way we can send marketing/promotional campaigns to our users.

Hi @Harjas Singh, it is not yet possible to use Intercom to send outbound marketing/promotional campaigns to users in bulk via WhatsApp.

Hey we understand that, but is there any progress/ plan to do so?

it is an important manner, a few month ago we were able to do a direct api request to the Facebook api in order to send a message to a number, but then something has changed and this ability is blocked (I reached to Facebook and they told me the Intercom blocked it) any way you have to understand that by connecting a number to your BSP blocks it from an outbound usage which is critical to businesses to reach their customers

I hope the message is understandable 🙏🏻

good week

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