#<Intercom::Contact:0x0000561eb31f1788 @changed_fields=#<Set: {"name", "custom_attributes"}>, @email="genuitytest+56565@work4humanity.com", @last_seen_ip=nil, @custom_attributes={"Company Name"=>"", "Company Website"=>""}, @client=#<Intercom::Client:0x0000561eb6dae938 @token="dG9rOmJkYzViNmQxXzBiZjFfNDhkNF85MDg0X2EzNjBiNDcwNmI0MDoxOjA=", @api_version=nil, @base_url="https://api.intercom.io", @rate_limit_details={}, @handle_rate_limit=false, @timeouts={:open_timeout=>30, :read_timeout=>90}>, @type="contact", @id="663b8c8ae671dfde9a0b02a0", @user_id="57858049-29f2-40b9-93d7-f9ad46352826", @anonymous=true, @phone=nil, @name="folka devop", @pseudonym="Lime Anchor", @avatar=#<Intercom::Avatar:0x0000561eb7af9a20 @changed_fields=#<Set: {}>, @type="avatar", @image_url=nil, @client=#<Intercom::Client:0x0000561eb6dae938 @token="dG9rOmJkYzViNmQxXzBiZjFfNDhkNF85MDg0X2EzNjBiNDcwNmI0MDoxOjA=", @api_version=nil, @base_url="https://api.intercom.io", @rate_limit_details={}, @handle_rate_limit=false, @timeouts={:open_timeout=>30, :read_timeout=>90}>>, @app_id="by9ylplb", @companies=s], @location_data={}, @last_request_at=nil, @created_at=1715178634, @remote_created_at=nil, @signed_up_at=nil, @updated_at=1715178634, @session_count=0, @social_profiles=s], @owner_id=nil, @unsubscribed_from_emails=false, @marked_email_as_spam=false, @has_hard_bounced=false, @tags=s], @segments=s], @referrer=nil, @utm_campaign=nil, @utm_content=nil, @utm_medium=nil, @utm_source=nil, @utm_term=nil, @do_not_track=nil, @user_agent_data=nil>
As lead is present then why it should raised the error
| *** Intercom::ResourceNotFound Exception: Resource Not Found
Hi .
Could you provide a bit more context as to how you got this error?
Did you get this error when you were performing a specific task, like updating attributes?
lead = @intercom.contacts.create(args)
it successfully created the lead on the intercom and after that I want to update the lead on the intercom just like
lead = find_lead(my_argsg:lead_id])
company_name = registration_info.company_name || ""
company_website = registration_info.company_url || ""
lead.name = registration_info.full_name.to_s
lead.custom_attributes = {
"Company Name": company_name,
"Company Website": company_website
and I got the lead id but when I am going to execute this line
it gives me this error:
| *** Intercom::ResourceNotFound Exception: Resource Not Found
although I get the lead through postman using the lead id and I got the lead but this shows Resource not found.please help me to fixed it.Regards
Thank you for the extra context.
Quick question, are you able retrieve the lead after creating?
Does this error only occur when you need to update a lead?
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