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My company uses Salesforce Account Teams. One of the roles is “Client Success”.
I would like whomever is assigned to that role, to be considered the ‘company owner’ in intercom, so that incoming conversations / tickets will be auto-assigned to that person.


Putting it another way, I wish there was a field in intercom called “Owner” and I could assign that team to that owner. I could not find such an intercom field. Perhaps this can be done with a custom field + automation workflow?


Hi @Ben Hizak - Cam from the Intercom Support Engineering team here.

Thanks for the great run-down on what you’re after here 👍

While there is a standard attribute named “owner_id” for Contacts, this attribute or one like it does not exist for Companies.

As such, I believe this may be possible by creating a “company owner” Custom Data Attribute (CDA) for your Companies (👇) which you can then map the SFDC “Client Success” attribute to, and then implement a Workflow that triggers Custom Actions to assign Conversations to the “company owner” for the Company of the associated user. That being said, this would be a very “workaround” type of solution so is probably best to go over with you via a chat in Messenger or by email so we can go discuss and test things more directly. Please go ahead and start a conversation with our team in Messenger or via email if you would like - just mention your post here and that your query is in relation to the use of Custom Actions in Workflows (this will help ensure you get efficiently routed to the appropriate specialist team 👍). 


I couldn’t manage to find how to create a workflow that assigns a conversation based on an CDA owner_email 

How would i use the owner_email field in a workflow?


