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We use Segment integration with Intercom. And update Contact with Segment message, usual message contains traits like these:


"traits": {
        "email": "some user email", // corresponds to email in Intercom Contact
        "firstName": "a",
        "internationalPhone": "+10000000",
        "lastName": "h",
        "leadStatus": "SPAMMER",
        "name": "aaaaa",
        "organizationId": "some ID",
        "phone": "phone number",
        "userId": "01010101",   // corresponds to user ID in Intercom Contact 
        "userRole": "Owner",
        "userStatus": "Banned"


Intercom returns http 200 when we send message from Segment, but changes of Contact wasn’t appeared in Intercom UI. It work well on TEST workspace but doesn’t work on PROD. We have the same fields mapping for TEST and PROD environments.

Hi @Account MAnager !

I’m sending this question over to our Support Team since they will need to see examples of Users who didn’t get updated in order to investigate. They will reach out to you at the email that you have on file with us!
