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For some reason the guy I'm speaking to in support believes this to be a "feature request'


Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 11.06.13 AM 

So here is my question/issue/feature request.


If I type in words of an article, nothing comes in:


Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 12.41.54 PMIf I type in the entire title of the article (as if I can remember every articles exact title), then it finds it.

Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 12.42.01 PMSo my request is that intercom make the search work normally.

Hi @joshua d​ 👋, How are you doing?


I agree with you that this is a Bug, not a feature request. However, You should write one word not the entire title of the article.



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Writing the entire title of the article is not necessary.

As I mentioned above, I agree with you that this needs to be fixed.

@Intercom Bug Reports​ 


@joshua d​ Not entirely sure what happens on your instance, but for me, this is working just as you would expect:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-09 um 08.40.31even works before I'm done writing the whole word:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-09 um 08.41.12

Don’t know. Maybe English articles app doesn't work as well ;)

@kevin b​ , I tried now in a different language and there is the same issue.

@roy s11​ That's strange. That makes it sound like a bug even more then. If it's working correctly for some people and for others it doesn't, then it's probably not working as intended.

Hey folks, let me take a look into this. @roy s11​, in which languages did it work as expected and in which did you have issues?

@eric f11​ , It's not related to any kind of language. It seems to be a global issue that needs to be fixed. 😕

Gotcha, so just so I'm super clear with my report, the issue is that the Article Search app doesn't pick up word fragments, only whole words? I suspect that's by design so as to improve the quality of search returns, but I am open to correction.

You're correct, but I still think article search should allow a more "broad" search because how am I supposed to know if the article creator used a specific word or not? It's harder to search and for the agent to use.

Keep in mind, this also doesn't work in the mobile app either. The mobile app is even worse and I can barely search for an article. I am surprised more people aren't complaining about this.

I am checking to see if anyone has an answer or update on this? Thank you
