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I am looking for information on how to initiate a timer if a customer is looking for something on our platform and can't find it. I.E. We release a new feature and the customer can't locate that. We created a help article, but they haven't clicked on Intercomm to find that yet. Ideally intercomm would understand they are looking for something and prompt a "Do you need help?" message. Is that available?

Hi 👋


While we don't have a feature that is designed to work exactly in the way you've described above, you can absolutely create an Outbound chat message or Custom Bot that fires after a user has been on a page for a certain amount of time. Many customers utilize our Outbound Messages chat feature to notify customers of big releases and other announcements. You can even create a post, rather than chat, so it appears larger and really gets attention! Here's an article that provides greater detail and will get you started:>

To note: you can include your article in this outbound convo for greater clarity by selecting to add an app and including the article inserter. 😀

As @beth​ called out, the proactive engagement would help - if you do not want to pop up a message, you can also

  1. show a badge so they open the launcher (number indicator on launcher)
  2. time on new feature page (then pop up a message - "you looking for the new goodies")
  3. user event near or on the new feature, trigger engagement based on user behaviour (more advanced)
  4. push a one step product tour (highlighting the feature)
  5. a new type of message is coming on the Messenger roadmap which is a banner, we have plans to use this to highlight new features and link to self service


One other thing that we like is to push messages and allow all responses to link to a resolution bot that has answers linked to the new feature - you can then also have a type of FAQ via the bot flow.
