
Is it possible to embed the Help Centre in a webpage on one's website, or embed single articles, or embed a list of a collection, etc?

  • 14 May 2021
  • 4 replies

Is it possible to embed the Help Centre in a webpage on one's website, or embed single articles, or embed a list of a collection, etc?

Best answer by Roy 6 June 2021, 13:13

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4 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey @richard c​, the Help Center is designed to exist as its own entity on a subdomain, and embedding it within an iframe, or similar, isn't supported!

That's really unfortunate, and probably costing Intercom a lot of business. Hosting on a subdomain means Intercom owns all the content, and we miss 100% of the search engine hits to our domain.

Userlevel 1

@lucas t​ , Actually Help Centers hosted by Intercom have a really good ranking in SEO.


Even Ahref (the Most Popular SEO tool) using Intercom hosted help center:>

Hi folks! 👋! Nigel from Arcade here. 

Putting a plug in here for our customers. We’ve got many customers looking to embed Arcades into their Intercom knowledge base to educate customers in an interactive way. We’d love to be connected to the Intercom team and allow them to better help their customers.  Here’s an example of what we’re doing with Gitbook: 
