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I’ve been reading the guide for Create and manage multiple Help Centers and understand the concept is the ability to create more than one knowledgebase (KB), then have flexibilty to create an article for a specific KB or have it sit in multiple ones.

This potentially could be helpful for us as we have a product where content can differ depending what other product it integrates with. So we’re thinking it we could have a KB for when our product integrates with payroll software and one for when it doesn’t.

However I just have a few queries about the logistics of using this feature.

  • I read that related articles will automatically ensure the URL with the KB domain remains the same. However what happens in an article in multiple KBs, and you click on a hyperlink to another guide? Will it take you to the same KB or may you be taken to the other KB?

    EXAMPLE: An article exists in Help Center A and B. Customer is in Help Center B. In a guide a link takes you to another guide that is in both Help Center A and B. The Hyperlink URL has the domain for Help Center A. Would customer remain in Help Center B or would they now be in Help center B
  • I read you can have the same messenger brand for multiple Help Center’s. How would you ensure that even though brands are the same, certain customers would only be assigned to a certain help center? Can you apply rules so that certain customers only get Help Center B within their chat window?

Hey @Oliver Cook 👋 Larissa here from the Customer Support team.

In relation to your first question, when you add an article to a new Help Center, it will create an unique link for this Help Center. So if an article exists in Help Center A and B, you will have two different URLs, one for Help Center A and another one for Help Center B.  If customer is on Help Center A and clicks on a hyperlink to an article from Help Center B, customer will be redirected to the Help Center B, even though the same article exists on Help Center A. It will depends on the link used when creating the hyperlink.

Regarding your second question, you can choose the Help Center for your default Messenger on Messenger Settings. It will be displayed in the Help Space and Article Search app.

I hope this clarifies!

