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Our "users" are "people" with individual contact details (emails, names), but our subscriptions are associated with a company. So, one subscription may have several users. And, those users can be associated with multiple subscriptions!

The simple way to handle this seems to be to associate the stripe subscription with a company rather than a "person". We could develop this on our end via the API and some custom properties, I guess? Any thoughts ?

Hello @tech l11​ 👋,


Can you provide more information about your use case? Which Stripe fields are you want to show in the company profile?


You can save Stripe date in your platform and then send this to Intercom.

Yeah, I think the only way to accomplish this would be to send the data from our platform instead of using the built in Stripe integration :(

@tech l11​ , Let me know if you need help on this topic, will be more than happy to help. 🙏
