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How can I create a newsletter from leads we've collected on our blog?

  • 30 December 2022
  • 1 reply

We want to do email capture on our blog, which I'm clear on how to do, but I'm not sure how to segment those leads (and ideally users) into a group to which we send a weekly or monthly newsletter.


How is this currently modeled and are there any examples of someone doing this that I could refer to?


The ideal outcome here is that we combine active users and leads collected on our blog into a segmented group so we can send a weekly newsletter.

1 reply

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Hey @dillon c​ Racheal from the support engineer team here👋 


Are you importing these emails into Intercom from your Blog? Depending on how you are bringing those users and leads in you can target the Tag you used in your CSV import, or any specific custom attributes you've designated these users. In Outbound > Settings > Subscription Types you can classify types of emails you're sending. We have Announcements, Newsletters, Best Practices, and NPS Survey Emails pre-set for you, but you also can create your own. More on that here!
