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One of the biggest issues we have is the lack of automation around conversations that come out of snooze that require a follow-up.


Currently these conversation re-open in an agents queue and we need to manually follow up.


In order to try and mitigate the impact of conversations coming out of snooze during busy times we try to use custom snooze times, but it's not quick and easy to do this for every chat. The default options that Intercom provide don't work for us (tomorrow at 9am is super unhelpful as that's our busiest time).


So I have two requests:

1) Can we set a default snooze time for our organisation (e.g. 24 or 48 hours)

2) Can we set custom snooze times on Macros

I'm looking for something similar - the ability to customize the snooze timeframe options for my entire team.

We work on a pace of minutes - not days to weeks, etc, so the pre-set times do not work for us at all, and customizing for every single interaction we have as a team makes the process very clunky. I would want options like 5/15/30 minutes, and currently 30 minutes seems like the smallest option, even as a "custom" choice.

Hey @ben s11​ ​and @user1325​​! Daniel from Customer Support Engineering here 🔧 


The default snooze time (when using the keyboard shortcut in the new inbox) cannot be changed, and is permanently set to snooze until tomorrow at 9am. If the ability to edit the default snooze duration is something that you'd like to see implemented in the future, make sure to drop it in our Product Wishlist Group 😊


It is possible, however, to snooze for a set amount of time (24 hours, one week, one month) when sending a message by clicking the "..." beside the "Send" icon in the editor after you've written your message. You can also specify a custom date and time to snooze until, though this feature is currently only available in the old inbox. As Indigo Whale 612 mentions, the time is only able to be set in blocks of 30 mins (e.g., 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, etc.). Once again, if you'd like to see customisable time options for snoozing, please drop it in our Product Wishlist Group!


And as always, remember to keep your eyes on our Built For You page to stay up to date with all of our latest product announcements and updates 👀


Hope this helps! 😁

@daniel m15​ 


For customer support teams like ours, with a high volume of tickets, the extra effort required to snooze > custom time > scroll to time > click time > submit snooze is substantial.


Please implement a setting that lets us redefine the snooze time globally for our organization.

We also need this...


@daniel m15​  - Could you please add it to your product list...

We also need this. 

Our team starts working at 7.30, and we usually don’t have that many new conversations to handle so the team would like to be able to start on their snoozed conversations immediately. So we would like all snoozed conversations to return at 7.30 or 8 am at the latest. But there is no change default time setting.


Also, we would love 2 days to exist as a default choice, other than “tomorrow” and “monday”. As snoozing til “tomrrow” late on the day before doesn’t make sense.

We’d definitely like to request custom snooze times. We are high volume, and agents only have follow up time at specific allotted times of the day. They can set custom, say 2:15, or calculate the hours until their follow up time.

If there is a scheduling app that can integrate and automatically snooze until today or tomorrows scheduled follow up for that agent that would be the dream, but until then we’d just like to be able to set one and then be able to shortcut it.

Hey @ChelseaAZ and @Sofia 

I can go ahead and process this as a Feature Request for you. Both your use cases are incredibly valid and we are determined to make your Intercom experience better, so I will look after this!

As for your workaround @ChelseaAZ can I ask you to report into our support team, we would gladly look after you and see can we make a workaround of some sort.

Being able to set custom snooze times would be great - right now we send a follow up message when a conversation unsnoozes, and then close it if there is no reply by the end of the day. It would be great to have an option like “ Unsnooze at 4.45pm”, with a customisable time, so you can close out what you need to at the end of a shift.

Same as above

@sean.reid Hi Sean, 

We’re looking for a similar solution. We would like to snooze our backoffice tickets for the tech support team until there’s an update (from Jira) about the ticket. So it would be very helpful if we could snooze a conversation indefinitely or for a year for example so our Tech Support inbox does not get cluttered.

do you have a workaround for this scenario?
or is there an update on the feature request mentioned here above?
