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When clients send us a screenshot in their email, we are unable to view the image properly, even when closing the side panels. This is really complicated, and I would like us to find a solution; otherwise, we may have to switch platforms.

Hey ​@Carla RodriguesΒ πŸ‘‹ Jacques here from Intercom Support. I hope all is well today!

Images that are inserted into an email using the "insert image" feature and are displayed within the body of the email cannot be previewed in the Intercom Inbox. However, they can be opened in a new tab or saved.

On the other hand, images that are attached to an email using the "add attachments" option can be previewed in the Help Desk in a larger size.

However, something to check here would be if you use a VPN or ad-blocker? This could also be a culprit, and adding the Intercom image hosting domain as "safe" could resolve the problem. You could try temporarily disabling your VPN or ad-blocker to narrow down which is the culprit, and if that allows the images to show again, try listing the domain as "safe" to see if that does the trick. 🀞

If that doesn’t resolve things, we may need some more specifics on the image parts and network tab requests for the images for troubleshooting. In which case, I’d recommend reaching out to our support team for guidance on the issue!
