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Hello guys 🙂,

How can I turn off the email notifications of replies in-app conversations?

Is it possible?

Hi Nicole!


Edit: It is possible to disable this for customers. See @roy s11​ ‘s answer.


It is not currently possible to turn off the Email Notifications for your Customers for replies for in-app conversations.


If you are referring to the Teammate notifications, your team can do this in their Account Notification settings. This will allow them to fine tune their notifications to their preference.


Hope this helps.

I would like to remove the email notification for my customers. Thanks for the answer, Sam!

Hello @nicole p​ , That's actually possible, just uncheck "Allow conversations to continue over email" option in Intercom Settings -> Security -> Security settings -> Conversation.

IntercomMore information about this feature can be found here.


Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

Just be aware this still sends the notification, it just removes the context!

@user1030​ , Yes, Exactly. To see a message it's makes mandatory for users to log in to the app and use the messenger.
