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We have a lot of customer who put other people in their company on CC whenever they have a query for us. When the email is forwarded from our support email to intercom inbox all the people on CC shows up on the conversation detail bar. This means that if we answer through Intercom, they will all get the email. We wish to keep them on CC and rather have the original sender only as the main recipient.

I'm not sure this is possible, @ada​ . It does sound useful, and I do think that people 'added' to the conversation should be CC instead of a main recipient.

Hey @ada​, just jumping on @user1030​'s response here with a clarifying question - do you want to remove these people from the conversation entirely, or just stop them from getting a copy of the email?

Hi @eric f11​, I do not wish for the people to be removed or stop them from getting a copy of the email.


I wish for them to only get a copy (put on cc if we were using outlook email to answer), and not be the main recipients.


Today, if someone emails us with a query - and they put other people on copy, the people put on copy will also be put as main recipient when we answer the email in Intercom.

This is what I thought! I think this should be how the Intercom "Add person" and CC replies work, as it makes more sense. Definitely support this! 😃

I’ve been testing this and it doesn’t appear to be possible right now. This is something that you’d have to suggest to Intercom, or possibly @eric f11​ could add it to their feedback system.



  • When you “Add a person” to the conversations, it adds them as a main recipient on the email.
  • It would be useful if it was possible to make it so added participants were CC into conversations, instead of just added straight in.
  • Though, looking at it from the flip side I’m not sure this would align properly with a group conversation, as other recipients would not receive their replies.
  • Could this be made toggle-able or as a choice when adding people to the conversation?




