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I’m having trouble with Intercom’s Product Tours feature. I’ve set up a tour that’s supposed to trigger for new users upon their first login. However; the tour isn’t starting automatically as expected.🙁

I’ve confirmed that the tour is set to trigger for new users (those who’ve signed up within the past 1 day). I’ve set the trigger based on a custom event that records a user’s first login. I’ve double-checked that the tour is published and not in draft mode.


Tested across different browsers to ensure it’s not a compatibility issue. Ensured that the users meet all the criteria for the tour to start. I have checked reference guide but still need help.


Despite these efforts; the tour isn’t triggering. Could this be related to a delay in event tracking; or is there something else I might be missing?


Has anyone experienced similar issues; and what steps did you take to resolve it?


Any insights would be highly appreciated!


Thank you !😊


Hey @gregbowers 👋 Jacques here from Support Engineering.

A common issue with Tours not triggering is due to the CSS selectors for the Pointer steps. If they can’t be found when the Tour tries to load, then the whole Tour will break and not trigger at all. An example of this would be pseudo selectors  for the pointers. The purpose of a pseudo selector is to select the “nth” instance of an element on the page. The problem with nth-child selectors is that they are not specific enough and are easy to break. If we add a new list item, we are going to end up pointing at the wrong list item.

To fix this issue, our best recommendation is that you ask your dev team to annotate your site using our documented 'data-intercom-target' attribute. If you add this to elements that are problematic, we will use the Intercom target attribute to uniquely identify the element on the page, so no matter how many table rows or list items etc. that get added to the page, we will always select the correct one.

However, this question is very specific to your own workspace - our Support team would be best placed to handle this for you! I’d encourage you to contact them through the Messenger and provide your Tour URL and they’ll reply as soon as they can!
