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What is worse is we don't know how many more there may have been that we missed! I only learned this because the client sent a follow up email to my email address. Anyone experience this before? How can I troubleshoot and resolve the issue? Waiting on Intercom support but with 24 hour plus wait for a reply..I thought maybe someone here could help??? NOTE: I have tested the support email address and my emails are being delivered. I am at a loss! Help!

Do you have access to the support email address inbox (e.g. through Gmail or wherever it is being hosted?) You or your systems admin may want to check to see if those messages are ending up in the spam folder.


We had this issue previously and the problem was that some messages were getting flagged as spam in Gmail and therefore never made it into Intercom. We resolved this by setting up a filter in our Gmail inbox to never send emails to spam. This increased the number of true spam messages that make it through to Intercom but that was much better than the alternative of customer emails getting missed.
