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I want to assign different profile pictures to my bots, but I can only upload one picture in the workflow settings. Is there a way to do this?

Hey @Selvam 👋🏼 Shauna here from Support! 

Currently it’s only possible to have 1 identity for your bot operator].

This is a feature request to have the ability to have multiple identities for your bot - I will flag this with the Product team for you 🚀 Please feel free to share any feedback on this based on your use case here, I can pass this along to the team for you! 

Hello @Shauna , Thank you for your response.


I currently have three different domains, each with its own chatbot. It would be extremely useful if we could assign distinct profile pictures to each bot based on its respective domain. This customization would add a personalized touch and improve the overall user experience. I've shared this requirement as a feature request and eagerly await any developments in this regard. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
