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[IOS] [RN] unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1bbb347d8' was thrown while invoking loginUserWithUserAttributes

we are also seeing this issue on the latest React native version. 

"react-native": "0.72.4",or     "react-native": "0.71.4",
"@intercom/intercom-react-native": "^5.2.0",

maybe i’m doing some wrong thing, but when login user I got the details about it and do such a code: 

useEffect(() => {
    if (user) {
      Intercom.setUserHash(user?.uuid).then(() => {
          email: user?.email,
          userId: user?.uuid,
          languageOverride: 'en',
          unsubscribedFromEmails: false,
  }, [user]);

also tried without setUserHash and only with email and uuid. 


this is the stack: 

Exception '-[NSNull code]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1bbb347d8' was thrown while invoking loginUserWithUserAttributes on target IntercomModule with params (
        email = "";
        languageOverride = en;
        signedUpAt = 1693481234436;
        unsubscribedFromEmails = 0;
        userId = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxxc4a";
callstack: (
	0   CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180437330 __exceptionPreprocess + 172
	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x0000000180051274 objc_exception_throw + 56
	2   CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180445e3c +[NSObject(NSObject) instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:] + 0
	3   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018043b224 ___forwarding___ + 1308
	4   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018043d50c _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 92
	5   Staging                             0x00000001009258e4 RCTJSErrorFromCodeMessageAndNSError + 736
	6   Staging                             0x00000001009255c4 RCTJSErrorFromNSError + 236
	7   Staging                             0x00000001008c80b8 __41-[RCTModuleMethod processMethodSignature]_block_invoke_4.56 + 132
	8   Staging                             0x0000000100c6bf28 __62-[IntercomModule loginUserWithUserAttributes:success:failure:]_block_invoke_2 + 72
	9   Intercom                            0x00000001039ea900 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 401424
	10  Intercom                            0x00000001039bb040 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 206672
	11  Intercom                            0x00000001039bb270 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 207232
	12  Intercom                            0x00000001039b5628 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 183608
	13  Intercom                            0x00000001039ea664 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 400756
	14  Intercom                            0x00000001039d5f90 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 317088
	15  Intercom                            0x00000001039d6fe4 IntercomSDK_PINRemoteImageManagerSubclassOverridesSelector + 321268
	16  Intercom                            0x0000000103803050 Intercom + 28752
	17  Staging                             0x0000000100c6be04 -[IntercomModule loginUserWithUserAttributes:success:failure:] + 520
	18  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018043d6c0 __invoking___ + 144
	19  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018043aa44 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 276
	20  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018043acdc -[NSInvocation invokeWithTarget:] + 60
	21  Staging                             0x00000001008ca0b4 -[RCTModuleMethod invokeWithBridge:module:arguments:] + 1796
	22  Staging                             0x00000001008ce000 _ZN8facebook5reactL11invokeInnerEP9RCTBridgeP13RCTModuleDatajRKN5folly7dynamicEiN12_GLOBAL__N_117SchedulingContextE + 1688
	23  Staging                             0x00000001008cd79c _ZZN8facebook5react15RCTNativeModule6invokeEjON5folly7dynamicEiENK3$_0clEv + 128
	24  Staging                             0x00000001008cd710 ___ZN8facebook5react15RCTNativeModule6invokeEjON5folly7dynamicEi_block_invoke + 28
	25  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180132ee4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
	26  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180134708 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
	27  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180143fd8 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1220
	28  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180143b04 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 40
	29  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018039a784 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12
	30  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180394de4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1912
	31  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180394254 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 584
	32  GraphicsServices                    0x0000000188eb7c9c GSEventRunModal + 160
	33  UIKitCore                           0x000000010fe26ff0 -[UIApplication _run] + 868
	34  UIKitCore                           0x000000010fe2af3c UIApplicationMain + 124
	35  Staging                             0x00000001003fbd34 main + 100
	36  dyld                                0x0000000103039514 start_sim + 20
	37  ???                                 0x00000001030e5f28 0x0 + 4346240808
	38  ???                                 0x510b800000000000 0x0 + 5839902079304335360

facebook::react::invokeInner(RCTBridge*, RCTModuleData*, unsigned int, folly::dynamic const&, int, (anonymous namespace)::SchedulingContext)
facebook::react::RCTNativeModule::invoke(unsigned int, folly::dynamic&&, int)::$_0::operator()() const
invocation function for block in facebook::react::RCTNativeModule::invoke(unsigned int, folly::dynamic&&, int)
-[UIApplication _run]


Best answer by Tamlyn Rhodes

I had a similar issue caused by the change to Xcode 15. It’s fixed in the latest release

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2 replies

Jacob Cox
Intercom Team
  • Sr. Technical Support Engineer
  • 441 replies
  • September 3, 2023

Hey there @Konrad Hopek,

Did you say that you’ve tried it with ONLY the email and userId getting sent in? Can you try that again and send the error logs for that? I think you can only send login details in that login call. You would then pass in the other details by making an update call right afterwards.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • Answer
  • September 19, 2023

I had a similar issue caused by the change to Xcode 15. It’s fixed in the latest release


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