Hi @sebastian b11 , You can use company e-mail such as Support@company.com or Welcome@company.com.
More information about custom e-mail address can be found here.
HI @roy s11
Thanks for getting back to me.
I have tried every variation of the settings you mentioned, but I cannot make it so, when our agents reply to inbound support emails that the "from" email is our support email.
The from email is always the agents own email address e.g name@cookieinformation.com.
Hey @sebastian b11, if it's helpful, I'm happy to share some internal Intercom insight on how to tackle this issue.
I'd always recommend using your own domain to send email, as it's the best strategy overall in terms of inbox placement.
However, my own experience has been that, occasionally, customers will reach out directly, as you've mentioned.
The best bit of advice I can give here is to set expectations very clearly with your customers - advise that requests sent directly to teammates' email addresses will not be handled in the same way as support queries through the Messenger etc., and that they should revert to these channels for support.
@eric f11 That is some great advice. Thank you very much. I will take that into consideration.
No problem. It will take a little time to retrain your customers' brains (effectively!), but the trade-off of better inbox placement is very much worth it in the long run. Short term pain for long term gain!