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How do I move one of my existing outbound messages into a Series?

When building a Series, you can select Copy existing messages in series from the More drop-down menu:Screen Shot on 2020-09-15 at 15-09-16

Then, select the message you want to copy from the list:

Screen Shot on 2020-09-15 at 15-09-25

Your message will then be copied, with its filters added as a Rules block:

Screen Shot on 2020-09-15 at 15-09-33


How do I make this feature appear in the More menu on my series? Right now it's not there:

imagethank you

Hey @virginie b​ 👋


It looks like you are not currently in Edit mode, you'd need to select Edit mode and then the option to Copy existing message into Series option will appear 🙌
