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I want to send a post message to our users as soon as they log into the app or the web. Basically, for it to pop-up as they log in, if possible.

I'm confused about how to make the filters accurate to that criteria: Does putting "time on current page = 1 second" cover it? Or do I need to follow that with our homepage URL maybe?


Any other tips are welcome 🙂, I'm still figuring things out.


Hey @cris m11​ 👋 if you want a message to pop up immediately when a customer logs in, I'd recommend using the filter Last Seen less than 1 day ago.


Keep in mind that an auto message will only send once per customer - if you want to send a recurring message, you'll need to use our API for this!

Thank you very much @eric f11​, I'll use that filter then.


This is for a scheduled maintenance and we're just asking users to not edit any info in their profiles during that 1 hour of maintenance, so I think a one-time message works fine for this time.


Thank you very much again!

One more question @eric f11​  : by using that filter, will it not also send a message to users that aren't logged in the app but who were, let's say, 6 hours ago?

Hey @cris m11​, if they're not logged into the app, they won't be able to receive the message anyway. By setting the filter to Last Seen less than 1 day ago, you cover the "just now" value that this parameter resets to when they log in next.

Got it, thank you very much for the help @eric f11​ !

Any time, @cris m11​!

Hi @eric f11​ 

Why should we use the filter Last Seen less than 1 day ago ? Without filter on web sessions, it will automatically run when the user will log-in, doesn't it ?

Hey @marie p11​, Last Seen less than 1 day ago is a filter that I commonly use to target users as soon as they log in. You're not obliged to use it, but you will need at least one audience filter to target your users with the message. The "Last Seen" filter is, in my experience, a good "catch all" filter to use!
