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Hi there!


I'm starting a Tour which is a recap of the previous Tour. Once the recap is finished, I use a Bot to ask if the user would like to view te recap again. When the answer is "No, thanks!" the flow continues, and when the user answers "Yes, please!" it should start the Recap Tour again. But as you can see in the picture/screenshot, whenever I try to connect the "Yes, please!" Rules to the Recap Tour, it says I cannot create an infinite loop.


I understand that infinite loops are bad, but mine isn't an infinite loop since I created an escape with the "No, thanks!" reply option in the Bot.Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 10.26.46 AM

Hi @sam v​ , It's still infinity loop - Imagine: user can go through this tour 30; 50; 100 Time 😃.  Once the user clicks Again Just make this flow a second time. If you are looking more complex solution (Users can watch/relaunch anytime), try launch product tours by a button with integration to your app...


If you just need "Again" button, the best way to suggest this feature is @Product Wishlist​ group.


Hope this helps.

Hi Roy, thanks for your reply! (I'm working with Sam)


Although I do not agree with you on terms of wether it's an infinite loop or not (because it's not imho), perhaps we can do something with your suggestions.


And thanks for the wishlist suggestion, we'll make sure to take a look at it!
