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I am trying to send email messages via the messages API endpoint and its failing.  Perhaps my current authorization  token doesn’t allow the sending of messages, even though I’ve check all of the boxes?  I have found via OpenAI instructions for adding “message” scope to the authorization token.  But OpenAI doesn’t seem to be in line with reality, as I cannot find the Intercom UIs it refers to.  What is the right way to make sure my authorization token includes the messages scope?


Hey there, Shaq from the Support Engineering team here 😀


An access token can have different permissions, which allows (or doesn't allow) the access token to make certain API calls. If you try to use an access token that doesn't have the right permissions to query a specific API endpoint, a token_unauthorized error will be returned. You can read more about access tokens, as well as apply for a token with extended scopes here.


If you'd like to change the permissions for an access token, you can do this by going to your Developer Hub, selecting the app whose access token permissions you want to change, and then navigating to the Authentication page.


As a note, after changing and saving the permissions, you'll need to regenerate your access token and use the new access token to make requests with the API. You can regenerate the access token after changing permissions by hovering over the "❗️ " symbol, and following the link in the pop-up .



Can you provide a little more information on the specific error the API is returning? 
