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Hey there,

we’re testing out mobile push but notice the potential audience is quite low. Even with users with the latest OS (IOS) and our APP, some do not appear. What device setting should we look into ? 


Hi @Raphael (, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀


If you're experiencing a lower than expected potential audience for mobile push notifications, there are several device settings and configurations you should review to ensure maximum reach:

  • For iOS devices, confirm that the "Send a push notification" option was selected when sending a manual message.
  • Verify that you are requesting permission from your users to send push notifications, as this is a critical step for iOS devices.
  • Check if you are successfully receiving a device token from APNS; this should occur shortly after the app launches.
  • Ensure that the Bundle ID set in Intercom's settings matches the one for your app, as this can affect push notification delivery.
  • For Android devices using FCM, also ensure that the "Send a push notification" option is selected.
  • On the test device, confirm that notifications are not disabled for your app. This can be found under "Settings > Sound & Notification > App notifications," although the exact path may vary by Android version.
  • Verify that the correct Push Server API key is specified for your app.

By checking these settings, you can help ensure that your push notifications reach as many users as possible who have the latest OS and your app installed.
