Currently on our company we are trying to implement the intercom messenger on our Ionic Capacitor Angular project, so for that we are using the @capacitor-community/intercom plugin.
- After clicking on the intercom messenger the wrong styles are being applied for android and ios.
- Can it be some configuration missing inside intercom dashboard ?
- Can the plugin be out of date ?
- Is there an way of fixing this ?
Inside our intercom dashboard we have styles for web messenger and for our apps and for some reason in our app projects it keeps going for the web default styles.
- When creating the styles we ensured that we are using the correct package name (com.companyname.appname) this is what we have inside capacitor config file and config.xml
- The unexpected behaviour screenshot is what we currently see (web styles).
- The expected behaviour screenshot is what we want to have (mobile sdk styles).
- Keys where checked already and ensured that the right ones are being used.
Unexpected Behaviour

Expected Behaviour