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When we sent a carousel from the website, we noticed that, if the iOS app is in foreground, the carousel is received (it is ticked as "sent" on Intercom's website), but it's never displayed to the user. But, if the app is killed, or in background, while the carousel is being set live, then, upon opening the app and logging the user to Intercom, the carousel is displayed correctly.


We tried both with "IntercomAutoIntegratePushNotifications" set to YES, and setting it to NO, adding the following code to the AppDelegate, both to the function "didReceive", and the function "willPresent":


let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo

if (Intercom.isIntercomPushNotification(userInfo)) {




Hey @augusto​! Daniel from Customer Support Engineering here 🔧 


Can you please ensure that you are on the latest version of our iOS SDK when testing this? If you are already, then this will need additional investigation as it does not sound like expected behaviour and I have not heard of an issue such as this one before. In this case, could you please contact us via the Intercom Messenger so we can dig into this one further? Thank you!
