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💡 See the latest Product Updates:

August Product Updates:

✓ Changes to how Custom Data Attributes are created with Intercom  👀

✓ Automatically match your Help Desk with your computer theme ✨

✓ You can now customize ticket states to help set clearer expectations for customers and improve internal collaboration for teammates. 🤩

✓ You can now customize which reports are visible to your teammates in the reporting menu and organize them into folders. 🎯


July Product Updates:

✓ You can now choose which Inboxes are shown in the menu by pinning the Inboxes you need, and unpinning the ones you don’t. 📩


✓ Set up a backup workflow when Fin AI Agent reaches a resolution limit🤩

✓ You can now control settings for all Intercom features in one place, enabling you to customize your workspace to fit your team’s needs. ⚡️


✓ We have introduced new Email predicates so that you can better target your email automations. 💪 






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