Hi @User1594 ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support
I see that you were able get in touch with my colleague through the Messenger and got an answer.
I’ll repost the answer here for completeness.
The discrepancy you're noticing between the dashboard and the exported CSV file is due to the different ways in which data is collected and presented. The dashboard shows the number of responses that were actually received within your specified timeframe, which in this case is the month of June. However, the CSV export includes all survey responses that were sent within the date range you selected, regardless of when they were actually responded to. This means that some surveys may have been sent in June but were not responded to until after June, and thus they would not be included in the CSV export. Additionally, the CSV export may not include responses that were received in June if the survey was sent before June. This is why you're seeing fewer responses in the CSV file compared to the dashboard count.
It's important to note that currently, there isn't a feature to filter the CSV export to show only the responses from the date range of when they were actually received, which would align with what is shown on the dashboard.