Hey @tj b12! Oséas here from the Customer Support Specialist team 🕵️
Yes, definitely. When creating a Survey, you have the option to store the user's answer in a user attribute as following👇
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the reply, however, I don't see any way to define a custom attribute to store the NPS score in. I've selected the default NPS survey type, and there's no way to define an attribute like I can see when choosing to create other survey types.
Any other thoughts or ideas here?
Thanks again for your assistance.
No problem at all! @tj b12
Have you tried to click inside the Survey frame and see if the "Store answer to a user attribute" appears to you?
If it still doesn't work, could you please send us the Intercom Survey URL via the Messenger so we can look into this further for you?
Hello @Oseas,
I have a deeper question: let’s imagine you’re asking NPS every 6 months, how do you store the data on the user? does the last score erase the previous one? could we keep the score history?
Hey @Elie Setruk
You can store the survey responses as a user data attribute in the survey here 

Hope this helps.
Ok and it will store every NPS answer as an attribute. The last grade won’t erase the previous one?