Quick Tip: Save this Reply
I'm often over in the Product Wishlist or asking support for things that don't exist so I'm taking a moment here to share a tip for something I overlooked for way too long -- SAVE THIS REPLY
I have no idea how long this has existed but one day recently I stumbled on something curious in the three-dots menu next to a recent comment I posted.
So many times -- I had posted a reply and thought this could be a Saved Reply but then proceeded to copy, start a new saved reply, paste it in, then fix the formatting, add the first name tag.
But now, I just go to the three dots --- Save this reply --- voila, give it a title, edit the first name.
So much faster and so much more likely that I'll stop and do it.
When you spend so much time doing this, you know the value of saving a few clicks or remove a mental hurdle that just often gets in the way.
How about you? Did you know this little hidden gem was there? (Why didn't you tell me! lol) Do you use it? How many saved replies do you have now? I'm at 150+ and counting now.
Thanks to the Intercom team for this thing I didn't know I needed! 😁