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How can I enable merge of external lead?

Hey I'm trying to merge a lead into a user using this EP but I'm getting the next error:

{ type: 'error.list', request_id: '001o99eqgp4578ve7ef0', errors: [ { code: 'unprocessable_entity', message: 'User merge for external leads is disabled by default unless explicitly allowed by passing allowed channels array' } ] }

Where do I have to add the allowed channels array in the request and how?

Best answer by Racheal

Hey @user2358​ Racheal from the support team here 👋


I actually have not come across this error before but it looks like you are attempting to merge a WhatsApp lead into a user, I'm thinking this has something to do with it. Could you write into the support team here so we can look into it for you?

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Intercom Team
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • October 21, 2022

Hey @user2358​ Racheal from the support team here 👋


I actually have not come across this error before but it looks like you are attempting to merge a WhatsApp lead into a user, I'm thinking this has something to do with it. Could you write into the support team here so we can look into it for you?

Intercom Team
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • October 26, 2022

Following up on this with the solution:


Due to security restrictions, it is not be possible to merge a lead that was created from an inbound conversation from a non-messenger channel (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).


WhatsApp leads can only be merged into existing users in via these 2 scenarios:

  • A teammate manually merges the lead with a user via the Intercom inbox or lead's profile by updating the lead’s email address to match an existing user’s email address. A confirmation modal will be shown to the teammate when doing this to make this clear.


  • A messenger lead switches from the messenger to WhatsApp and their number matches the phone number of an existing user. To trigger the merge, the lead must send a message from the WhatsApp number.


In cases that a new lead was created when you expected an inbound message to be associated with an existing user with a matching phone number, it may be the case that you have multiple users that exist with that same phone number. We will only merge the lead if there is one single user with that phone number.


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