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Re-trigger rules on conversations when the office hours start

  • November 17, 2022
  • 1 reply



I'm trying to set up auto follow-up to unresponsive conversations, and when I felt that it's all done, I hit a brick wall.


  • Created custom action
  • Create inbox rules
  • Automation working

Now the issue that I have is that the system sends out auto follow-up messages as per the rules at any time in the journey (ours takes 12 hours), and that means that customers can receive a notification/email from us at 2AM in the morning to let them know they've been responsive.


I am trying to figure out a way to trigger the rule during office hours only (which I can do via inbox rules), but also re-trigger the rule when the office re-opens, so it applies the auto follow-up again to conversations due to receive a reply.


Has anyone tried anything similar and can support?


Hope it makes sense.



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Intercom Team
  • Intercom Team
  • 159 replies
  • November 29, 2022

Hey @user2037​ πŸ‘‹πŸΌ


Shauna here from Intercom Support!


Currently there is no way to 're-trigger' an inbox rule. It will trigger once for a conversation 'dependent' on the 'variable used'.


Assuming you are using the inbox rules using 'customer has been unresponsive for X seconds/minutes/hours etc.' - you could create a rule to trigger during 'office hours' using 'Office Hours' in the 'IF' section πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 14.19.17But if I'm understanding correctly, you want to make sure those conversations where a 'customer was unresponsive' outside of office hours gets looked after when 'office hours' start again, correct?


There's no specific way to set this up, unless you used 'customer was unresponsive for 24 hours' which means the 'conversation' would trigger the custom action the next day 'during' the office hours because you last actioned the conversation during your office hours πŸ™πŸΌ


Other than this, there's no other way. I can of course, share this as a feature request with our Product team for you πŸš€


Please do reach out at any point to share additional feedback and context on your use case here!


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