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Introducing your new Community Manager + Super Users group updates! 🤩

Diana Tripac
Intercom Team
  • Senior Community Program Manager @Intercom
  • 154 replies

Introducing your new Community Manager + Super Users group updates! 🤩


Hey Intercom Super Users 👋


Allow me to introduce myself - I’m Diana, Intercom’s new Community Manager!


I'm delighted to start my new role with Interconnected and I can’t wait to work with everyone, so keep a close eye as exciting new initiatives are on the way! 🥳


So what’s next? 🤗


To kick off this week, we’re here to help you! What would you like to know from our product team? Ask your questions below and the top 5 with the most upvotes ⬆️  will be answered by a product expert AND will get a special swag pack! 😍


Don’t forget that each upvote will help you earn points 👍 More surprises on the way to be announced next week. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing your questions! (1)

20 replies

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • May 2, 2022

Hey Diana,


Welcome to the family! 👋


If there's any chance the Product Expert is a legacy employee, I have a question about a legacy feature that no one seems to remember 😅


I was an early adopt of Intercom way-back-when and there was this really powerful feature you could toggle when launching a messaging campaign that said "if not delivered via in-app post in X days, send as an email instead".


It was beautifully simple and I used it religiously.


You can somewhat hack this together using Series but that creates a very disconnected workflow for me & results in essentially two separate campaigns.


So, my question is, why was the decision made to move away from a nice, simple and intuitive workflow for this functionality? ❤️

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • May 2, 2022

Hey 👋


Is there any plan for workload management improvements? For example:

- different assignment limits per person or team. 

- assigning teammates to two (or more) teams and their priority is based on working hours or person

  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • May 3, 2022

Hi Diana!


My question is about making it easier for multiple teams working together in the same workspace and using the messenger. At the moment, the overall messenger settings - such as welcome message and task bots - are global, meaning all teams have to agree on it. We would love to have different settings for the messenger depending on the URL where the messenger launches. Is this something you have considered?

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • May 12, 2022

I'd love to throw another question into the mix - this one I think would be helpful for other users, as well!


Why doesn't Intercom Articles support "meta tagging" that allows us to add additional search phrases behind the scenes (like what HelpScout offers)?


Unfortunately our users often use different search phrases but they're all searching for the same thing - and because Intercom only searches based on Title & Description (and not body text) + because you don't support meta tagging, it's common for a user to not to be able to find what they're looking for.


I try to compensate as best I can and often check the "Missed Searches" report - but any changes I make impacts other users, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword.

  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • May 12, 2022

I don't think it's actually true that the search doesn't consider the body text - for us, that works reliably. Maybe there is a glitch on your end?

  • Connector
  • 5 replies
  • May 12, 2022

Why don't we automatically have Help Center's data at our events? Like knowing when someone has read a article or if they never even opened our Help Center. Or even having a list at the article's data of wich customers have read it, as we have when we send an email, for example.

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • May 13, 2022

Ah, you're correct, I misread the reply from the Intercom team last year, so appreciate you correcting me on that.


However, this still doesn't solve my problem as it's not feasible for me to include all possible search phrases for something, in an article where customers can read those alternative phrases :)


Sometimes I can compensate by writing something like "How to add a user to a Dashboard / How to share a Dashboard" but this is a pretty clunky workflow (and isn't always suitable).


This is likely a piece of functionality that would have been added to a lets do this in the "next stage of updates for Articles" that has been deprioritized ever since (as it's actually a pretty simple piece of code to introduce!)

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • May 13, 2022

Hey Julia!


I believe there is a default attribute called "Viewed Article" which you can use to determine whether someone has accessed your Help Centre (providing you're using the Intercom Articles to host your Help Centre).


I've used this to track which users haven't visited our Articles before so that I can send a short IM message to mention it exists and where to find it :)


(e.g. "Viewed Article Account = 0)

  • Connector
  • 5 replies
  • May 13, 2022

Thank you! I searched here, but culdn't find it. I think we have to implement that, and that's what I don't understand: if it's all connected than we could already have that data in the software :(

  • 0 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hey @tami​ ! I'm Mat and I'm one of the Group Product Managers at Intercom. Thank you for your question 🙏


I'm looking into your question at the moment, but don't have an answer for you just yet. It feels like I might need to reach out to you for more info, so wanted to check if you're open to me dropping you an email to follow up later this week?

  • 0 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hey @user2587​ ! I'm Mat and I'm a Group Product Manager here at Intercom. Thanks for your question there.


Great question! We believe workload management is essential for efficiently managing large support volumes while meeting customers expectations and maintaining healthy teams. That is why workload management is top of mind for us and we’re preparing some interesting new additions! I can't say much right this second, other than stay tuned! 😉

  • 0 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hey @user86​ ! I'm the Group Product Manager looking after our Messenger product. Love this question!


It absolutely is something that we’ve considered. Let me share where we are with this..


We know that the focus of your Messenger might need to change depending on where it appears in your product or marketing site, and also that it can be challenging when multiple teams need to have input into how the Messenger is set up.


There’s been a fair amount of thinking done in this space, and the problem is on our roadmap to solve. We’re more than likely going to make it possible to create different Messenger configurations for different audiences. So, for example, you might have an audience for “visitors on my marketing website” where the Messenger shows lots of content to drive interest or to reach out to your Sales team, and you might have another for “new users in my product” where you have more onboarding and support content.


Some foundational things need to be done first before we work on that, though. Our focus over the next few months is on improving the features of the Messenger for the different use cases you might want to cater to (no use creating Messengers for different audiences if the features to really engage your customers are missing). After that, we’ll be revamping the Messenger settings with this problem in mind.


If you’d be interested in participating in our research for this or other Messenger features, let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the right teams. 


Similarly, we’ll be running betas for all of these new features as we go, and I’d love to have you involved if you’d be interested in that as well. We have one open right now for a new feature for in-Messenger announcements that might interest you, in fact.


Hope that helps!

  • 0 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hey @tami​ ! Thanks for your question.. I'm a Group Product Manager here at Intercom, and I chatted with the team who looks after our Articles product. Here's what they had to say..


Today meta tags are automatically populated based on the articles data (e.g. title, description, etc).


If the question is: why don't we offer custom meta tags, as in have a html/javascript that you can set by yourselves?


With the assumption above this is something we have considered in the past but there were main issues which lead to de-prioritizing this feature:


  • There are some security concern with allowing html / css / js custom code, which can put at risk our customers
  • This hasn’t been a deal breaker for most of our customers


Nonetheless, we are not excluding this enhancement in the future, but as of today there is no plan to allow this type of flexibility.

  • 0 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hey @julia b11​ ! I'm a Group Product Manager here at Intercom, and I chatted with the team that looks after this. Here are their thoughts..


We actually do it, under the event name viewed article , the article id is part of the metadata as well and it’s populated by default. 


You can view this field on the ‘recent events’ and ‘recent pageviews' area in Contacts - see the image below.


Views in Contacts

  • Connector
  • 5 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hi, Mathew! I see... But the ‘recent events’ and ‘recent pageviews' are areas that I can't use to filter or send anything. So even if I have that, it's not in the "total events" area, and I simply can't use the information to analyse or to segment people. In terms of measuring, I'm still in the dark.

  • Active User
  • 47 replies
  • June 9, 2022

Hi @Mathew Cropper​,

Thanks for your response! This sounds exciting and like the features we need are being planned.

I'd definitely be keen on participating in your research and also the beta for the in-Messenger announcements.

  • 0 replies
  • June 9, 2022

That's great @user86​! I'm going to request you get access to the beta now and I'll drop you a message directly to let you know 🙂

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • June 15, 2022

Hey @Mathew Cropper​, no worries at all!


Totally happy for you to reach out anytime & we can setup a Zoom chat.


Apologises for my delay, I've been on unplanned leave for some surgery but am good to chat anytime from now :)

  • Connector
  • 12 replies
  • June 15, 2022

Hey @Mathew Cropper​ - gotchya, thanks for your reply.


I still think this can be done fairly easily, though I know I'm saying that from a non-dev lens. That being said you already have the ground work for what I'm referring to as it's setup for your operator bots in the Messenger section.


For example, we can give the bot alternative phrases that customers might use to surface a specific article. The challenge here is that this only works when they're live chatting with us vs when someone natively searches the articles page.


How Helpscout handle this is via a settings page for each article where we can type in additional words, phrases or sentences that a customer might use to look for an article.


For example, in Kapiche we have a feature called the Storyboard but someone might search for "word cloud" or "word bubble" or even "text bubble" etc.


Right now, I'd have to try and work in these alternative phrases into either the title or description which as you can imagine, can get pretty awkward!


Hope that makes sense 😀

Nur Nahid
Super User ✨
  • Super User ✨
  • 95 replies
  • November 23, 2024

Welcome, Diana! 🎉 Excited to have you as the new Community Manager. The new initiatives sound fantastic, and the opportunity to connect directly with the product team is a great idea. Looking forward to contributing and seeing all the exciting changes ahead!





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