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Hey all,

Hey all,


I'm Thomas, Chief Security Officer at BlackHOST, a web hosting company dealing mainly with unmetered hosting. Still, besides this, I'm in charge of part of the R&D of our products and oversee our client engagement program.


When the pandemic lockdown hit us, we've experienced an unusual increase in the number of support requests, and because timely solving of any client request is very important for us, a live chat was a must! 


It was a tricky switch for our support team, but in the end, our ticket resolution time improved drastically, with this our client retention as well. Yet it still feels like we've nearly scratched the surface of the possibilities we can achieve now :) 


From time to time, I'm joining our support team as a support agent to improve the overall user experience, and I must say, with Intercom, I'm enjoying it.


Here is my most used gif 🙂



3 replies

  • 0 replies
  • September 9, 2020

First off @thomas n11​ , epic GIF choice. You can never go wrong with Minions.


I'm so glad to hear you navigated the change to live chat so successfully! You're definitely not the only company to see a covid related spike in queries (our own team can very much sympathize). The community will be a great place to learn tactics that other Intercom users have implemented, and on our side we've written a number of blog posts specifically around this topic.


Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • September 9, 2020

Welcome to Interconnected, @thomas n11​! Delighted to hear that your team has made such a successful transition to Intercom - I've no doubt that you learned a lot from the experience which will be huge benefit to other Connectors getting to grips with Intercom!

Super User ✨
  • Super User ✨
  • 257 replies
  • September 9, 2020

Welcome to the party, @thomas n11​ 



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