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"At least one reply button is required on first path for mobile apps." error when creating a workflow

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  • 2 replies

Hello fellow intercom warriors 👋, 
I’m posting a question here, as maybe someone in the group has worked around it and faced a similar issue. (I also escalated to Intercom support to see if they could help.)

Our pre-fin scenario was a decision tree from the start with Reply buttons. We are moving to Fin.

The scenario is simple: when a customer opens messenger, we greet them with a message, ask them to type their question, and let fin answer before escalating. This simple to the point set-up works fine for the web. 

As soon as I add Android or iOS to the Channel settings of this workflow:

I get an error , "At least one reply button is required on first path for mobile apps." This means I unnecessarily have to introduce a button-press actions, such as a reply here, to facilitate the messenger widget on the mobile. Is there any workaround for this? 


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