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Custom welcome message not appearing in overview preview.

  • 2 July 2024
  • 1 reply

We made a new workflow live under “Customer opens a new conversation in the Messenger” with a custom Welcome message. However, the message is not appearing as the welcome message in the Fin AI Agent → Overview → Preview Answer bot. The message only appears in the preview while in the workflow. No other workflows are live. Thanks in advance!

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi @Jason Fox -- Cam from the Intercom Technical Support Engineering team here 😁

The behaviour you’re seeing, where the contents of your Workflow does not appear in the Fin AI Agent > Overview “Preview Answer” tool (the one in the example screenshot below), is expected behaviour. This tool functions simply as a way for you to test Fin’s ability to find answers within the support content you’ve connected to it and which it’s ingested - it does not apply any audience rules or targeting you may have set for content (as mentioned here), nor does it check for or apply and Workflows that have been setup. 

To preview Fin AI Agents performance within a Workflow you’ll want to do exactly what it sounds like you’re doing already, use the “Preview” tool within the Workflow (more details here) 👍

Hope that helps clarify whats possible and expected within these various “preview” tools. Do let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this!
