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I duplicated a bot we were using in 'Outbound' and set it up in "From New Conversation'. I paused the Outbound bot and set the From New Conversation bot live. When I tested as a user, I saw an error message. I'm not sure if that screen was from the paused bot. Has anyone had an issue when they've paused a bot?


If a bot has been served to the user, and then it's paused, does it create an error?


Or does the paused bot still appear at the users end correctly if it was served to the user prior to it being paused?

Hey @stephanie l​ 

I had a play around in our test environment with a bot running from a new conversation and one that popped automatically. I didn't get any error after pausing for those that had started the going through the bot steps. So it seems that it only pauses for new connections.

If you have a test environment it might be worth a play so you are comfortable. As to your error, I can't be sure but it might be worth working through all your options in the bot to see if there is anything amiss.

Hope that helps a bit.



Thank you for taking a look at it, Brent. I submitted more screenshots that included the developer tools-console view ti Intercom via chat. They're looking at those screenshots now. I have a test environment that I'll try again. Our IT and web developer looked from our end and it doesn't appear to be an issue with our site.
