As per question, the article and help is all well and good but it is not really landing our bots conversion.
Our Design
- We reviewed 200K cases and distilled answers down to a few hundred to cover core needs and built the first 100 (then adding 50 per cycle)
- Custom bot paths all ending with a resolution bot answer
- 150+ answers all with at least 10 variations of the question (trained)
- Some answers having key words to limit where they apply
- We are refining the each resobot answer as we go (we have a weekly review process)
Current Performance
- We are seeing a small number of resobot answer sends on the end of the the custombot
- Our product is such that a request to add something could look like a request to remove something - but neither of these answers is being sent
- 200 of 4000 conversations covered which seems low for 150 answers that cover our core business
Would be interested in how y'all have approached this and what has moved the needle for your org.