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Hi there

We have chats set to auto-close after 15 minutes of the visitor being unresponsive. However, visitors will often chat back in and when they do the chat gets put in the Unassigned queue. This leads to some issues because we have members of other teams accidentally grabbing that chat thinking it is for them. We want to ensure that if the visitor chats back in that it gets re-assigned to the same team it was previously assigned to. 


Can anyone help with this?

Hi @jpw147 ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

Are your teammates online when the conversations get unassigned, if not then they might have the away and unassigned setting on.

Hi @jpw147 ! Ebenezer here from Engineering Support👋.

Are your teammates online when the conversations get unassigned, if not then they might have the away and unassigned setting on.


Hi there. I’m referring to to what I’ve listed below. According to this, since the chat gets auto-closed, when it is re-opened, it goes to the unassigned inbox? This is a situation where the visitor has interacted with the agent already and assignment rules have been run, but then the conversation auto-closes due to inactivity, and the visitor chats back in and the chat ends up in the unassigned inbox rather than routing back to that user/team according to the previous assignment rules that it has already went through.

How is Workflow interaction completion defined?

Workflow interaction completion is defined as

  • The end user reached the end of the Workflow

    • Reached an end path on a Workflow

  • The end user stops interacting with a Workflow for 3 minutes and the auto-close abandoned conversations feature is not enabled.

The end user can resume interacting with Workflow after 3 minutes but assignment rules will have been run and the conversation will now appear in a teammate-watched inbox, such as Unassigned.”
