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We've set a new custom bot from outbound and set the audience to "Leads and visitors". But the bot was shown to our subscribed users too. How's that happened?

Hello @redowan​ ,


To better understand your case here, please can you provide some screenshots? Like Audience rules and results page (Which proves that users received the bot message).


Mostly this happens when Intercom code is installed incorrectly =)


Please provide screenshots and I will be more than happy to take a look.

Hello @roy s11​ 

Here are the rules and the people who received the bot. Most of them are subscribed users. We only want to send the bot to the visitors and leads.



Hey @redowan​, it's quite possible that these users landed on your page as visitors, received the bot, then logged into their user profile.


The "visitor" profile that received the bot would have then merged with their existing user profile, which is why you'd see them showing up in the audience here.

Thanks for the clarification @eric f11​ 

Is there any way to filter the visitors and trigger the bot only to the "new visitors"? We want to create two different bots. One for "Absolutely new visitors" and the other one is for visitors who are already our users. Can intercom differentiate between these two kinds of visitors?

I'm afraid Intercom can't make this differentiation, @redowan​. The only way Intercom knows for sure that a user is a user is when they log in to your platform.
