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The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again

Intercom::ResourceNotFound • Events::UpdateIntercomLeadWorker@default

The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again
I am going to save the contacts like this in rails:
i got he above error 

def find_lead(lead_id)


@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)

rescue Intercom::ResourceNotFound

return nil



second one issue I am also facing this issue
@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)
12:59:09 worker_sidekiq.| *** Intercom::UnexpectedError Exception: The error of type '' is not recognized. It occurred with the message: Your current SDK version is incompatible with version 2.10 of the API and http_code: '400'. Please contact Intercom with these details.

Best answer by mateusz.leszkiewicz

Hi jahanzaib, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

It looks like your SDK is outdated. Can you please update SDK of your app to the latest version and check if that will do the trick?

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9 replies

Intercom Team

Hi jahanzaib, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

It looks like your SDK is outdated. Can you please update SDK of your app to the latest version and check if that will do the trick?

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • May 7, 2024

hi @mateusz.leszkiewicz can you please help me how we can update the SDK of my app.Regards

Intercom Team

Sure, which SDK are you using? React, iOS, Android?

You can find suitable instructions in our developer documents here.

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • May 9, 2024

Hi there, we are using the unofficial python SDK hosted on your Github and have started encountering this problem since 30 April 2024.


The API version we are using is 1.4 which is quite old but the library above does not support newer versions.


The error we are seeing occurs as follows:


  1. We search for a lead using an email address
  2. If we find a result in step 1 we fetch that lead using the SDK and the ID from above. The SDK issues a GET request to<id-of-contact> which returns data and a 200 status code.
  3. Using the lead from step 2 we update the lead with new data using the SDK. This issues a PUT request to<id-of-contact> which fails with a 404 status code.

Can you confirm if there is anything that has changed in the intercom API?

Intercom Team

Hi BradleyK

This is very outdated SDK (6 years since the last commit) and as stated in the Readme file, it is not officially supported anymore.

From what you’ve described, the issue might be appearing due to the fact that it uses outdated API version (current version is 2.11).

I would start looking for an answer to your question there. 😎

jahanzaib wrote:

Intercom::ResourceNotFound • Events::UpdateIntercomLeadWorker@default

The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again
I am going to save the contacts like this in rails:
i got he above error 

def find_lead(lead_id)


@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)

rescue Intercom::ResourceNotFound

return nil



second one issue I am also facing this issue
@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)
12:59:09 worker_sidekiq.| *** Intercom::UnexpectedError Exception: The error of type '' is not recognized. It occurred with the message: Your current SDK version is incompatible with version 2.10 of the API and http_code: '400'. Please contact Intercom with these details.

jahanzaib wrote:

Intercom::ResourceNotFound • Events::UpdateIntercomLeadWorker@default

The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again
I am going to save the contacts like this in rails:
i got he above error 

def find_lead(lead_id)


@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)

rescue Intercom::ResourceNotFound

return nil



second one issue I am also facing this issue
@intercom.contacts.find(id: lead_id)
12:59:09 worker_sidekiq.| *** Intercom::UnexpectedError Exception: The error of type '' is not recognized. It occurred with the message: Your current SDK version is incompatible with version 2.10 of the API and http_code: '400'. Please contact Intercom with these details.

@mateusz.leszkiewicz - I’m getting the same error on logger service but I works fine on the production app.

Intercom Team

Hi ah.sherazkhan

It only confirms that you are using the old version of API syntax that is no longer supported. Please update all your requests to match the latest version of our API, 2.11

@mateusz.leszkiewicz can you please guide me what’s the core reason here as I can see there’s issue while creating the instance of intercom service (I’ve highlighted it with yellow colour) because if the older version is not supported the intercom service shouldn’t work perhaps its working as intended means there’s something else need to look at.


Intercom::ResourceNotFound • Events::UpdateIntercomLeadWorker@default
The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again
Intercom::ResourceNotFound · The requested resource does not exist;


class IntercomService

def initialize

@intercom = "#{ Rails.application.credentials.intercom[:access_token] }")



def update_lead(args)

  my_args = args.with_indifferent_access

  lead = find_lead(my_args[:lead_id])

  registration_info = RegistrationEmails.find(my_args[:id])


  if lead.present? && registration_info.present?

    company_name = registration_info.company_name || ""

     company_website = registration_info.company_url || "" = registration_info.full_name.to_s

    lead.custom_attributes = {

    "Company Name": company_name,

    "Company Website": company_website






Intercom Team

Hi ah.sherazkhan,

I think the issue is that you are trying to get information about the normal company from your form lead and that might not work.

We have two types of companies in Intercom: the normal one and the qualification company (exclusively for leads).

I think the issue is that you are trying to get information about a normal company from a lead that does not have the normal company data present in their profile.

I would recommend using the Get Contact Info API and taking the name and website of the company from there.

Does that make sense to you?

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