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We have customers using different spellings, typos, etc .of words while searching for content in our help centre and not finding our content as a result. How can I add common alternatives to word in an article or the backend, to ensure our customers always find what they’re looking for even if they are using different language to us? This is not related to SEO but and solutions welcome.

E.g : a customer searching for a Wi-Fi connectivity article types in wifi and nothing comes up. 

or a customer types in TRV (thermostatic radiator valve) and nothing comes up because we use ‘Smart Radiator Thermostat’.

This is a major pain point for us too. Our “Searches with no results” report is evidence that we could better serve our customers if Intercom enabled us to add keywords to solve for this.

Also a huge pain point for us and we would really appreciate a quick solution. 

Hi ​@LaMint 

The intercom community is a great platform. We can solve all intercom problems here. I hope the Intercom Team helps you soon.

Good Day.

Hello ​@LaMint 

This is a very frequent question around here and I’m pretty sure Intercom is working on this, and that we will see some option in some of the next Help Center new features releases. 

Currently, the only thing you can perhaps do, is to add alternative words at the end of the article, perhaps in a Callout that you will name “Keywords for search” (by default it is closed). 




@Milan interesting workaround, but not the best experience for all users. We have use cases where we want our content to be returned in search results, but don’t necessarily want to make keywords visible as you’ve demonstrated.

I know, but that’s as best as it can be now. 
